With every business transaction between parties there is always the possibility that things could go wrong and disputes may arise. Be it to litigate through the courts, or solve the dispute outside of the court using another method, Poveda Vicedo can help you solve these problems and will advise you on the best course of action.
The main areas where you are likely to be involved in are:
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Litigation
Mediation is an entirely consensual process whereby the parties appoint a mediator, who can be an individual with or without particular training.
The mediator has no power, but simply facilitates the discussions between the parties when attempting to reach an agreement. The process is entirely without prejudice and confidential, so anything said cannot be relied upon at a later stage.
Poveda Vicedo specialises in Mediation and will act as impartial mediators facilitating the entire process from start to finish. Mediations can also take place at the neutral location of our offices in either Valencia or Javea.
One of the main advantages of arbitration is that the parties involved can select their own arbitrator and it is a private, confidential process whereby the arbitrator’s decisions are not publicised. The fact that the parties have entered into Arbitration proceedings is not disclosed either.
Arbitration is often favoured in International matters and many agreements require the parties to arbitrate rather than litigate. Even if this is not the case for a particular dispute, parties can agree to arbitrate rather than litigate if they wish to do so.
Poveda Vicedo has extensive experience in the process of arbitration, and can therefore advise clients on the process, whilst also offering assistance in choosing an appropriate arbitrator.
Sometimes transactions and agreements do not go according to plan with other parties or consumer products fail to live up to expectations. Poveda Vicedo understands that full scale litigation may not always be the best solution and in some cases you may be able to seek a resolution through receiving legal advice and exploring all avenues open to you.
When full scale litigation is required, Poveda Vicedo will guide and support you all the way through the litigation process. Below is a list of the most common issues we can assist with:
- Fraud
- Defamation
- Banking disputes
- Damages to property
- Contracts
- Eviction
- Debt recovery
More recently the most “popular” work our lawyers are commonly asked to advise on are the issues surrounding property construction and home purchases, including local authorities issuing illegal building licenses to property developers.